
How Agritembea Works: Connecting Aspiring & Successful Farmers

What is Agritembea? Agritembea is a groundbreaking agritourism startup that focuses on creating an online platform that connects farmers with individuals interested in learning about various farming niches. The name “Agritembea” is derived from two words: “agri,” representing agriculture, and “tembea,” a Swahili term meaning “to visit” or “to tour.”  Agritembea is a pioneer agritourism […]

Your Complete guide to Goat Farming

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through every aspect of goat farming, from choosing the right goat breeds, housing, managing their health, nutrition, and reproduction. We’ll delve into the best practices for maximizing productivity for your goat farm.  From small backyard herds to large commercial operations, we understand that each goat farm has its […]

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